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DFU, Recovery Mode, & Jailbreak Iphone

DFU stands for Download Firmware Update yang berguna untuk recovery iPhone/iPod Touch

Cara untuk masuk kedalam DFU mode adalah sbb:
-Connect the iPhone to your computer and launch iTunes
-Turn the iPhone off (hold down the power button at the top of the iPhone)
-Hold down the sleep/power button and home button together for exactly 10 seconds, then release the power button
-Continue to hold down the Home button until a message appears in iTunes telling you an iPhone in recover mode has been detected
-When you are in DFU mode your iPhone screen will be completely black

Note: Even though the screen is black, that doesn’t mean the device can’t be interfaced with either iTunes or a custom firmware client (for jailbreaking, etc). Remember that if you see the restore logo, iTunes logo, or any message on the iPhone screen, you are not in DFU mode but standard Recovery Mode. Again, DFU mode is signified by having a completely black screen on the device. If anything else is the case, repeat the steps above until you enter into DFU mode successfully.

-Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes
-Plug your USB cable into your computer.
-Turn your iPhone off by holding the power button down until you see “slide to power off”. Do as instructed.
-Now press and hold the Home button while reconnecting the USB cable to your iPhone. After iPhone is connected it should power on the device.
-Continue holding the Home button, you will see the Apple logo appear and then finally a “Connect to iTunes” will be displayed, now is the time to release the Home button. You will then see the following image:


The cream of the crop. The most desirable jailbreak of them all. An untethered jailbreak allows you to jailbreak your device, run Cydia apps and tweaks, and reboot your device at will with no consequences.

This is a jailbreak that allows you to reboot your device, but not without some consequences. After rebooting, you may not be able to run any Cydia jailbreak apps, and even some stock apps like Safari may be inaccessible. A SemiTethered jailbreak is normally a tethered jailbreak with a package installed that allows you to reboot with limited use. You must perform a tethered boot (see video for explanation) to regain full functionality to your jailbroken device. Much better than a tethered jailbreak, but not quite as good as the untethered variety.

The least desirable of the three. With a tethered jailbreak you cannot reboot your device at all without doing a tethered boot. A tethered boot requires access to a computer, so if you’re out an about, and your device reboots, you’re up a creek without a paddle.

Yang di perlukan untuk Jailbreak iPhone/iPod:
1. Download IOS untuk iPhone/iPod official
3. Download iTunes yang sesuai IOS
2. Download Jailbreak tools yang sesuai

Untuk lebih jelas nya bisa lihat example dari How to jailbreak iphone 4 dengan ios 5.0.1 ini

Setelah Jailbreak selesai dan Cydia sudah terinstall, kita harus menambahkan repository dari Cydia yaitu repo: dan

lebih lengkap nya gunakan link ini untuk melihat TopTen Cydia Repo

Setelah menambahkan repo ke dalam Cydia, kita tinggal install "installous" package dari insanelyi repo / repo sebagai pengganti appstore bawaan.


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